South Korea Carbon Neutrality Declaration대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-14 17:03:59
    On December 10th, Moon Jae-in, the president of the Republic of Korea, declared to make Korea Carbon neutral by 2050. The declaration was made in the office of Cheongwadae, the Korean presidential residence, and was broadcasted through six stations, including three major broadcasting companies in Korea. It was also delivered abroad with English subtitles.

At the speech, president Moon first stated the imminent climate crisis upon us, mentioning record-breaking abnormal weather conditions happening in Korea and the grave danger on the other parts of the world. He remarked on the IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C, released in 2018, which showed the seriousness of the climate crisis and urged the action of the governments and the global society. Moon said that the '2050 Korea Carbon Neutrality Vision', on the line with the Green New Deal policy, is for achieving carbon neutrality, economic growth, and improving the quality of life at the same time.

▲ President Moon has released Green New Deal policy in July.

The vision is as follows; South Korea is to push for carbon neutrality in all sectors, to foster a low carbon industrial ecosystem, and to seek fair transition so that no one is left behind. In more detail, Moon promised to move into a sustainable energy centered system, to nurture and support a green economy, and to build locally customized plans and industries to ensure the fair transition. He also pledged to develop three major energy industries, which are sustainable energy, hydrogen, and energy IT. To achieve those goals, Moon emphasized the importance of technological advances and the responsibility of the government in leading the transition. He stated the possibility and potential of South Korea leading the new era facing a climate crisis. 

▲ The declaration was broadcasted in black-and-white video.

This declaration is on the line with several states of president Moon regarding the will of the government to reduce carbon emission. To point out the amount of carbon emission of high-quality videos, the government broadcasted in black-and-white intentionally. A campaign music video of the song "Before too late" followed after the carbon neutrality declaration. It was the theme song of the first campaign concert about the environment in Korea in 1992.

▲ The music video of ˝Before too late˝

December 13th, 2020

by Shin Seung-won


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