The COVID-19 National Academic Aptitude Test대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-22 17:46:02

A few days ago, there was a big examination in South Korea. It is the 'National Academic Aptitude Test'. Every day, this examination is so important because it identifies the students' level. Nowadays, society is in a dangerous situation because of COVID-19. Due to this reason, there are unusual items in this test.

The first unusual thing is a sharp pencil. Last year, the sharp pencil's model changed to a new model. Then, many students and students' parents showed much dissatisfaction. The government decided that the sharp pencil model has to change.

▲ This picture shows `2021 National Academic Aptitude Test` sharp pencil.

The second unusual thing is a screen fence and mask. As the number of infected people is increasing, there is a big issue of the prevention of epidemics. The government requires everyone to wear a screen fence and mask. The reason is that the side intervals are fine, but back and forth intervals are not easy to empty. However, there is a big problem. The size of the test paper fits the regular desk. Nevertheless, if the fence is stalled in the desk, the test paper does not fit the desk. For example, the Korean subject is Hyeon using long text, so the students have to see the texts and papers frequently. However, the screen fence is big, and students feel it is inconvenient.

▲ This picture is the place which takes the National Academic Aptitude Test.

There is an interview for the text-taker. He said that it is inconvenient to use this fence and mask. He cannot concentrate on the examination. The test is not difficult, but he cannot concentrate because of this fence and mask. However, due to this inconvenience, the examination was still ended successfully.

The National Academic Aptitude Test was finished. It is the first National Academic Aptitude Test during the pandemic. Not to repeat this experience anymore, we are trying to do better right now.

December 19th, 2020

By Yoon-Hyeok Park


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