The Rising Jobs in Untact Economy대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-22 17:55:49

Recently, the number of people enjoying their hobbies at home has soared due to COVID-19. As people spend more time at home, their activities to be done outside have significantly decreased. People lost their emotional stability after the government request to refrain from doing outdoor activities. Due to this phenomenon, there are new jobs that are emerging nowadays.

To begin with, the core of rising jobs in the Covid-era is communication. Contactless economy means the drop of contact between people. A musical therapist who plays music for heartbroken people is a representative example of emerging jobs in South Korea. Many studies have shown that music can make people feel better and relieve anxiety and depression. Such effects are partly due to endorphin emissions triggered by a beautiful melody. In addition, the Korea Music therapy association was established in 2015.

▲ Korean National Association of Music Therapy

Another example is culture and art, an education expert. The number of people enjoying their hobbies at home has soared due to the refrain of doing outdoor activities. For this reason, many people want to have their own individual hobbies. People can enjoy their own unique hobbies such as home gardening and baking. Also, the sense of accomplishment and joy felt through the completed figures are vital to modern people who are tired of COVID-19. This hobby is most enjoyed by people who are depressed by corona blue.

▲ Culture and art education

The world economy is at a standstill because of the COVID-19. Many economists expect that the new jobs, such as musical therapists and culture and art education experts which need human love and contact with people, will shine more these days when people are having a hard time with COVID-19. The core of living as a careerist in the contactless economy is advanced empathy.

by Yunjubin


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