Steve Yoo, A Draft Evader대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2020-12-29 17:05:14

December,19, Yoo Seung-Jun as known as Steve Yo, uploaded a video on youtube. The video was about politics and the new law with his name.


After promising his fans to enlist and leaving the country, he was banned from entering Korea in 2002 because he gave up his Korean nationality, obtained US citizenship, and did not fulfill his military service obligations. In the video, he says “Why am I apologizing to the public? I made an appointment with a fan. Failure to keep promises with fans.” And to the politicians, “Be good at politics. How well do you keep your promises with the people?”

However, military service is not a kind of promise between one and one, it’s the duty of the citizens who were born as a man in South Korea. So it cannot be a promise.

He also says “I have been denied entry because there is a fear of lowering military morale,” he said. “Why does the military exist? Are you at war with North Korea? Isn't our enemy North Korea? Isn't our enemy the North Korean Communist Party?” and “Wake up, “What is the president of our country doing? Go to Panmunjom and meet Kim Jong-un, shake hands, hug, and the morale of the Korean military is not to see that and fall.” Of course, he is lowering military morale, because most young men would think “Why can’t we dodge military service? Even he could dodge it too easily.” And they will feel collapse in their mind, which causes lowered military morale.

Steve Yoo should be banned from our country and displayed as an example of what is going to happen when they dodge the national duty.


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