The Wrong Facts About Pharmacist 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-12 11:24:38

Many people believe that pharmacists just sell medicine, and this job will disappear in the future because of the fourth industrial revolution. However, these are the wrong facts about pharmacists. Many pharmacists say that this job will never disappear in the future.

To be a pharmacist, one should pass the PEET test, which is known for its difficulty. Then, one should study in a pharmacy campus for six years. Studying in a pharmacy campus is hard because pharmacy is a difficult and complicated course. After one graduates, he or she should pass the pharmacist qualification test. Through these steps, it needs a lot of effort and time. That is why pharmacist is considered as one of the most professional jobs.

Many people think that pharmacists only sell medicine in a pharmacy. As much as study hard and having more effort and time, pharmacists' workplace is not only one. Pharmacists work not only in a drugstore but also in another workplace. They work in a hospital, pharmaceutical company, the Korean Food, and Drug Administration and work in the National Scientific, Criminal & Investigation Laboratory. Moreover, even they participate in creating cosmetics. They work in diverse places, so there is a low percentage that this job will disappear, or be replaced by robots.

Also, the old population is increasing and will be increasing. The old population needs various medicine and treatment. In other words, as the old population increases, the number of pharmacists will increase. Experts say that many diseases such as dementia, cancer, and Parkinson's disease will have medicine like pills or drugs. Therefore, pharmacist's medication counseling will be needed in the future.

For these reasons, the professional career and roles of pharmacists tell us that this job will not disappear, and it will command a better view. In the future, pharmacies will develop and pharmacists' roles will become more important. So, we need to change our negative thoughts about pharmacists.

by Jang Yunha


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