North Korea Might Have ICBM대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 08:58:56

     North Korea launched a ballistic missile at 14, and there is a guess that the missile can be an ICBM from Japan. Inada Tomomi said that the missile was over 2000 km, so it might be a new missile. The flight distance was about 700 km, and it invaded Japan's JADIZ. It seems that North Korea made the launch angle maximum. It is a professional's viewpoint that they did the missile angle high, the distance could be further if the launch was in the normal angle. If they shoot in the normal angle, the distance can be 5000 km~ 6000 km. If it is the ICBM, North Korea can launch the missile to U.S.A. Alaska. The soldier experts are worried that if North Korea makes ICBM, there will be a problem in the US-ROK alliance. Then, it will be a great cause in Korea.

     Then, how did the government react to this problem? First, the secretary-general reported to the president, and the president made a counsel about it. It was about a hour and a half. So, this means that it was needed only 41 minutes is neededto do something.

     So, to go again to the explanation, North Korea has ICBM like KN-08 and KN-14, but they did not do tests with it. However, they succeeded in launching SLBM. For these, McMaster thinks that even there were many cautions made by South Korea and the U.S.A., they blame it that they did the taunt after a few days of making a new goverment. Also, the two sides said that they have a stronger relationship, precaution needed to defend any attack by North Korea. Having a stronger defensive wall stronger, and the cooperation about South Korea and the U.S.A will not loose the tension. Then, we will be able to shield any attacks from North Korea.


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