Elementary Teacher who Makes the Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-12 11:30:41

Elementary school teachers are said to be the people who make the future because young students are our future, and teachers teach them. They teach young students to become great adults, and they do some school works to make school a better and convenient place for elementary students. They go through a hard process to become a teacher.

▲ elementary teacher

First, elementary teachers teach elementary students. They usually teach students Korean, math, social studies, science, ethics, and practical course. Some teachers also teach English, art, and physical education with them. Also, there are teachers who only teach English or physical education. Teachers have a responsibility of taking care of students in school, so they also care for their students' safety. Teachers do not only teach and care for students but also do school works. For example, teachers choose where to go for the field trips, and during the period of summer or winter vacation, they decide whether to give vacation homework or not. As a bigger range, teachers choose to open or close school when there are finance issues or viruses.

▲ teacher`s love for student

If you want to become an elementary teacher, first, you must graduate from a University taking an education course. Then, you must pass the qualification examination and get a teacher's license. If you are assigned to an elementary school in Seoul, Busan, Dae-gu, Geong-ju, Gangwon, Chun-cheon, and Gwang-ju. In a university, you can choose between elementary education and secondary education. Korean, math, social studies, science, music., art, English, physical education, and practical course are major courses. People who want to become an elementary teacher should choose one among them. In an interview at the Department of Education, students form education universities said that they learn lots of things not only about their major but also about physical education and creative experience, so in an education university, you will become tired not only with your studies but also with the physical activities. It is hard to become an elementary teacher, but it is meaningful because we can watch young students become great adults.

by Jo Eun Seo


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