A School Trip of Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-12 11:52:26

Could you believe that we can go on a trip for three to four days by the school event? 

In South Korea, there is a school trip in which the students and the teachers can go on a trip for three to four days. Today, I will write about the school trip, especially the middle school's.

First, let us know about the qualification. There is no discrimination between the student's score, appearance, or property, but in my school, only the first-grade students can go on the school trip. It is because the second or third-grade students have a test for the high school at that moment.

The second one is about the place to go. Places change every time, but there is an outline of where we usually go to. The main purpose of the school trip is to have new experiences, so we usually go to historical places or a place where students can enjoy for three to four days.

▲ `Gyeongbokgung` is one of the place where is famous for school trip

Finally, there are pros and cons of the school trip. There are three prose and two cons about it. The first pro is that the school trip can make students have new experiences. Students can go to the place where they never have been or learn about the truth which they do not know. The second pro is that students become closer to each other. For three to four days, they can only be with their classmates, so they can become closer naturally. The last pro is that the students can have a good time. For three to four days, they can have freedom from their homework or academy. It can be a good rest for them. On the other hand, the first con is that students can be in danger. An example of it is the ship accident a few years ago. The second con is the concern of the parents. Parents can have concerns about their children while having a trip.

The school trip can make many experiences for students. It will make a great memory for more students until today.

▲ School trip will make great time to students

by Nam Guemin


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