Adapting Covid-19 Vaccine in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 11:27:39

It has been almost a year for South Korea to deal with Covid -19 virus from spreading. Korean government says that the stable vaccine for Covid -19 virus will be adapted in South Korea by this summer. However, the opinions for this announcement are divided into two sides. Some people say that South Korea should adopt the vaccine to people earlier, and other people say that it is too early to adapt and supply the vaccine to people in South Korea.

Pharmacy companies in South Korea such as SK BioScience, Jenexine, and Celid have already invented new Covid-19 vaccines including NBP2001, GX-19N, and AdCLD-CoV19. Other countries like the United Kingdom have already adapted the vaccine for Covid -19 and proved that the vaccine is able to cure people of the virus. Also, they say that South Korea is being late at dealing with Covid -19 virus than other countries. Therefore, they claim that we should adopt the vaccine earlier than this summer. People who claim that we should adopt the vaccine is increasing.

▲ vaccine for Covid-19 - example

▲ U.K Covid - 19 vaccine, Pfizer

However, many medical experts say that the vaccine for Covid -19 virus is not safe and stable enough to adapt it to normal people. It is true that companies in South Korea did not have many clinics. Also, they claim that the wrong vaccine can be more dangerous than the Covid -19 virus. It means that any vaccine or medicine that is made too quickly, running out of time will give negative effects on the country. Their opinion says that it will take a few more years to make the vaccine for Covid -19 that can be helpful to people completely and stably.

▲ Testing the Covid-19 vaccine in South Korea

People in our country are hoping that the Covid -19 virus would be eliminated as soon as possible. However, some people say that South Korea is very late at dealing with the Covid -19 virus than other countries, so South Korea should apply the vaccine earlier. Moreover, others claim that it is too early to apply the vaccine because it is not completely stable to use it to normal people. Too early, too late. Opinions for applying the vaccine for Covid -19 are divided into two sides. My opinion is that the companies in South Korea should have more clinics with the vaccine. Even though it takes more time than others, more accurate vaccine will be more helpful for South Korea.

January 16th, 2021

by Jeon Seung Hyun


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