Is South Korea the Republic of Seoul? 대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 11:32:29

In summer, there was heavy rain in the provinces. However, people could not find the news about it. However, after some days, there was heavy rain in the capital area. Then, a lot of news reported about it. Many people who live in the provinces raised a question about it. Also, they questioned it South Korea the Republic of Seoul? There are many examples of this problem. Then why many people call South Korea the Republic of Seoul? Moreover, how we can solve it?

First of all, the main cause of this phenomenon is population density. A lot of people live in Seoul, which is about 20 percent of the whole population of South Korea are living in Seoul. To add, it is more advantageous to report about Seoul. These make some problems. When a person from the province and a person from Seoul talk, there are some problems. Sometimes a person from Seoul talks about the places in Seoul. For example, he talks about the distance between Gangnam and

Hongdae. Then a person from the province cannot understand it. This problem happens in some TV programs. They sometimes use the place name of Seoul. Moreover, sometimes, there is some discrimination against people from the province.

▲ The Problem of Republic of Seoul

Then, how we can solve it? First, the role of the government is very important. For example, the government can suggest to broadcasting companies and news companies not to use the place name of Seoul and to report any news about the provinces. Moreover, the government can push ahead to build important facilities in the provinces. Also, people should cooperate with each other and not discriminate against others because of the region of origin.

▲ We Should Solve This Problem.

Maybe, it is natural that many people call South Korea the Republic of Seoul. Also, it is natural that many TV programs are concentrated on the people of Seoul. However, there are many problems because of it. If we want to make a better country, we should solve these problems.

By Kim Yu-chan


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