Seo-Seon Festival in Seo-girl Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 14:21:56

There are many methods to relieve students' stress. In South Korea, there are many regular contents and festivals to relieve students' stress. For example, in Seo-girl Middle School, there is a dance and talent festival named Seo-Seon Festival. The specialty of the Seo-Seon Festival is that they rent some places and have concerts in front of all students. Also, they take videos and upload them on YouTube.

▲ They are performing on the stage.

Ha-won Kim, a second-grade student in Seo-girl Middle School who experienced Seo-Seon Festival, said that it made her become cheerful and helped her develop cooperation with her other friends. Also, she said that she was a very shy girl before she participated in Seo-Seon Festival. However, after participating in this festival, she became a cheerful and energetic girl. So, she wants to participate in this festival next year, too.

To hold Seo-Seon Festival, there are few processes to prepare. First of all, Seo-girl Middle School has to arrange a place where they can hold the festival. Also, students who are supposed to participate in the festival gather to prepare for the festival. Then, the festival is held in front of all the students in Seo-girl Middle School, and the students in the audience seat have to cheer for each performer.

▲ They are practicing for their performance.

The pros of the Seo-Seon Festival is that it can help the students to be cheerful and can give both the performers and audience energy. Also, this festival can develop the students' cooperation, and it enables them to make good memories with their friends. However, it is difficult to study properly, and some students even need to be absent from their classes during the preparation period for this festival. Also, it can be difficult to study for a test. It is because the preparation period for this festival is during the examination period. To sum up, the advantages of the Seo-Seon Festival have to be maintained, but the disadvantages need to be supplemented by the student council as soon as possible.


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