Daihyun Middle School‘s Big Festival in November대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 14:32:34

Have you ever been to a big festival in your school? School festival is well-known for doing games and doing sports in school. But, Daihyun Middle School is more unique than other middle schools. Daihyun Middle School uses the KBS hall around the Daihyun Middle School. The hall is big enough for us to enjoy many booths. Having this festival, students can relieve their stressful minds, get close to many other students, and get good memories by participating in the festival.

▲ This photo express the school festival`s atmosphere. (The photo is not Daihyun Middle school`s festival.)

YoonSeo Yang, the second-grade student said that she likes watching her other friends dancing. Our school has many booths that include cooking, magic, movie, dancing, nail art, clothing, and makeup. So, she said that she enjoys it so much, and she has a good time during the school festival. Moreover, she makes great memories with her best friends. and Jiwoo Min, a second-grade student said that she likes the school festival because of the festival staff. She loves the festival staff's selection of music because it makes the mood great. It is within bounds to say that the festival's mood is concerned by them. So, she is expecting something for the next year's festival. Most of all, students are satisfied with their school's big festival.

To hold this huge event, Daihyun Middle School undergoes many processes. A classroom teacher said that she does not like the Daihyun Middle school's big festival because of the process. She and many others must rent the KBS hall. They must collect the booth, and they must employ the DJ, event organizers, and staff.

Every year, the festival gathers Daihyun Middle School students. However, because of COVID-19, everyone is banned to gather with many people. So, Daihyun Middle school students could not enjoy the school festival this year. Many students are expecting the upcoming year's school festival. IF the COVID-19 vaccine is successfully developed and injected into many people, Daihyun Middle School students can enjoy the big festival.


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