Okdong Middle School‘s Oksam Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 14:36:14

In middle and high schools in South Korea, there are many school events every year. Most students like to have a school festival. In Okdong Middle School, there is a school festival called Oksam Festival hosts once a year. There are many kinds of booths and performances.

Hwang Jimin, a student of Okdong Middle School said that it was enjoyable to play a board game in the booth with his friends. Lee Habin, a student who performs a concert at the festival said that he was so proud of this performance, and he wanted to perform a concert next year, too. Most students are very satisfied and enjoying this festival.

▲ These are works exhibited at the festival.

Each of the classes chooses their subject for the booth. For instance, there are exhibitions, games, and food. Many students exhibit their works of science and art. The kind of games is board games, ghost house, and Sin Seoyugi game. Sin Seoyugi game is a booth where you actually play games on a program called Sin Seoyugi in Korean entertainment. There are also many food booths. They make a lot of food themselves such as drinks, Bunsik, and snacks. The performance requires practice for months to show to all the students on the festival day, and they can receive an award for the performance.

The strength of this festival is many students can be interested in using various booths and exhibitions. If they look around the exhibition, they can be interested in the works, and they want to learn about them. The weakness of this festival is all of the school students come out and enjoy the festival. Also, it is difficult to maintain order, so accidents can happen easily. If they keep the order well, they can participate and enjoy the festival more pleasantly.


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