The Worldwide K-pop Group, BTS대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-19 14:42:43

On June 13th, 2013, an ambitious K-pop group, BTS, debuted with their song titled, "No More Dream." BTS consists of seven members, and BTS is also known as Bulletproof Boy Scouts, which means it prevents prejudice and oppression in teenagers and twenties who suffer hardships in their lives. At first, BTS members were ignored by many famous artists. However, they practice singing a song and dancing every day. Finally, they were recognized by many people and became worldwide famous K-pop artists.

The song, "Dynamite", is the first English song of BTS. Their song gives a hopeful message to many people such as to prevent the COVID-19 virus and to meet each other again. Their song, "Dynamite", is chosen for the 63rd Grammy Awards. Also, their song ranks on the top of the music chart and the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

▲ BTS` song, ˝Dynamite˝ ranked on Billboard Hot100 Chart.

RM, the leader of BTS, said that somewhere in the world, he is probably doing something else. However, with music, On Stage, they are breathing together. He wants to live in the world together, comforting the loneliness that humans inevitably have. That is what he wants to do. RM's word comforted many people who are tired of COVID-19. BTS members also gave a speech for the second time at the 75th UN General Assembly. They comforted many people again. They said that life must go on, and they encouraged everyone to live together.

Even though BTS members have become worldwide famous K-pop artists, they do not show off themselves. Not only their mind but also their humanities are recognized by many people. BTS' main cause of success is their great singing skills and a great mind. One of their main causes of success is their humanities. Their effort will be represented at the Grammy Awards on January 31th, 2021.

▲ BTS was selected as the presenter at the Grammy Awards.


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