Ulsan Onggi Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:23:48

Many people might be unfamiliar with the word "onggi". Onggi is pottery which is only used by Koreans about a long time ago to store food such as kimchi or doenjang in a fresh way. Onggi is one of Ulsan's representing regional specialties, and it is also designated as an intangible cultural asset. The Ulsan Onggi Festival is Ulsan Ulju's typical cultural festival where we can enjoy and experience making Korea's traditional onggi.

Ulsan Onggi festival is held every month of May for about one week, but in 2020, since coronavirus has been spreading, the festival was delayed and held from November 6th to November 15th. The festival takes place at the Oegosan Onggi Village which is the nation's largest onggi trading center. It is where more than 50 percent of Korea's onggi output is from. This Oegosan Onggi Village is located in Oegosan 3-gil Ulgu-gun, Ulsan, South Korea. In this village, there are seven master craftsmen who make traditional onggi. There are various events during Ulsan Onggi Festival, but the most popular event is called "Making My Own Onggi." People can learn and make their own onggi with their hands, and after it is dried, it will be delivered to their house. Not only this, there are more events, exhibitions, performances, and experience booths that people can enjoy. Making Onggi Kimchi or Onggi-Jonggi is one of the examples.

▲ People watching the craftsman making onggi

Ulsan Onggi Festival received Korea Festival Contents Grand Prize in 2018 Korea Festival Contents Association. This was because the festival had contributed to the development of the regional economy.

▲ Foreigners enjoying making their own onggi

From this festival, lots of people say that they could feel the flavor of the traditional of South Korea. Also, according to one of the Naver blogs, they say it is a good chance to have fun and experience traditional things, especially with the children and foreigners.


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