Cheongsolje대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:37:20

What is your favorite school festival? In my school, there are many enjoyable festivals such as sports day and music day. Among them is Cheongsolje.

▲ It is school festival`s poster.

Cheongsolje is usually held in December. All students in Okhyun celebrate the year-end celebration. There are a talent show and a booth in every class. In the talent show, there are many enjoyable shows. For example, students usually sing a song, dance, or perform a comedy show. The dance club and the choir club members perform a very nice performance on stage. It is a great experience. The talent show's highlight is 'Ms. Okhyun'. It is a show that the third-grade boys dress up as a woman. Also, they dance to the girl group's song. It looks like a comedy program. It is very enjoyable, so many students like this show. Also, it is my favorite part of this show

▲ Students performing in the talent show.

After watching the talent show, we can enjoy the booth! There is a booth in every class. They sell something like snacks, and there are a singing room and even a game competition! We can get the profits of the booth. Usually, they eat something delicious with their classmates and teacher. The process to prepare the booth gives the students a lot of memories of their school days. Also, the profits of the booth is quite much, so students love to have it. My classmates said that is a very enjoyable experience to sell many things and buy many sweets in the other classes' booth. Because of Covid-19, my school could not hold the festival, Cheongsolje for 2020.

But, because many students can have good memories of the school days, students in Okhyun are glad to hold this festival gagin in 2021. Many students were angry because Cheongsolje was not able to make it last year. It is very bad news to many students. Also, it is the most memorable experience for many students.

By Gyurin Kang


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