A School Project About Books대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:40:35

Reading books is considered one of the most popular hobbies these days. Since books are divided into various genres, people are thrilled because they can be selected according to their values and interests. As books become popular hobbies, there are many discussions on reading books and sharing their thoughts. Munsu Middle School also hold a book discussion that conducted and discussed by students.

Reading books has many advantages for students. Reading books can realize ego-identity and personal propensity. Also, it can get a chance to be active in society and develop creative thinking. It can feel a sense of accomplishment, too.

▲ Many people enjoy book discussions these days.(explicationcentral.com)

Book discussion is a project that is held and discussed by students themselves. The students read books several times and understand the character's behavior and mind. In the process, teachers also read books and help support students' thoughts. They use books that help teenagers read to gain student's reading experience. Through book discussion, teenagers can grow critical thinking ability and speak their idea about books after reading the same books. Also, they can think about the character's mind and can reflect on their own behavior. A participant in a book discussion, Kang Minji, said that she was able to develop her creativity and empathy through the book discussion. Not only that, but she could also strengthen her relationship by talking ideas to her friends. Also, it is a great chance to grow your speaking skills and a habit that put yourself in someone else's shoes.

▲ Book discussion become a popular hobby.(dadoc.or.kr)

Through a book discussion, the students could grow their ability to think. The sponsor of the book discussion in Munsu Middle School, Nam Dong Wu, said that the students can experience many times to discuss and strengthen the relationship between teachers and students.

By Namin Kim


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