The Most Influential Person, Son Heung-min대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:43:22

▲ This is the picture of Son Heung-min

Son Heung-min is a South Korean soccer player who plays for Tottenham Hotspur F.C. His position is a winger and a central striker. He is the captain of the South Korean national football team, the All-Time Top scorer of the Premier League and UEFA Champions League, the first Asian to win 55 FIFA FFPro World XI candidates, and awarded Premier League Player of the Month three times, and the first Korean soccer player who awarded Puskas prize.

▲ Son Heung-min finally awarded the Puskas award as first as South Korean.

The most important reason why Son Heung-min has been able to show such a great achievement from a young age to the present is open education, as the motto of his father, Son Woong-Jung's education. Son Woong-Jung, who currently runs the soccer academy, played as a soccer player as a young man, but unfortunately, he ended his career early due to an injury in 1994, when he traveled to advanced soccer countries such as Spain, Germany, and Brazil to learn and see their youth football process.

Moreover, Son Woong-Jung, who started his career as a leader, founded Chuncheon F.C and began teaching his disciples under the motto of "joying" soccer, not soccer that risked his life to victory. In particular, Son Heung-min, the second son, learned his personal skills and solid basic skills step by step from elementary school when he did not go to the soccer class where aspiring soccer players went and took private lessons from his father. He did not mind harsh training to strengthen his basic skills. According to the interview, he did not teach pass or other skills until he could handle the ball freely.

In an anecdote, Son Woong-Jung, the father of Son Heung-min, said that he was a professional player who played as a wide striker, but he had no skills or talent to beat one player. He felt very ashamed and regretful about himself. Therefore, Heung-min basically taught the basics until he could handle the ball. I believe that his wise father's teaching method would have laid the foundation for Son Heung-min's current skills.

In conclusion, due to his father's education and his effort, he could be a top-class soccer player. Recently, he scored a lot, and he showed his fantastic performance. Son Heung-min is now regarded as the best South Korean soccer player ever. Every day when he scored at the game, the news about his goal is always flushing. Moreover, many people admire him. Now, we could say that he is the best winger.

by Kim Tae Heon


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