The Longest Gymnasium Closure대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-20 23:47:31

Usually, mountain climbing is popular for the elderly and considered to be for them. Nowadays, however, people of all ages, regardless of ages and gender, became to enjoy climbing. This social phenomenon is due to the COVID-19. Since COVID-19 is prevalent on a national scale, indoor sports facilities are often to be shut down. Therefore, people could not go there and stay fit, then the mountain climbing came into trend.

▲ Many people are climbing due to the COVID-19

Quarantine measures that made climbing into fashion are the shut down of indoor sports facilities as stated above. On January 2nd, social distancing level 2.5 in the metropolitan area was decided to be prolonged. Some counterplan was changed; however, the gymnasium was still classified into no gathering facilities. The latest gymnasium closures, which went into effect on December 8th, 2020, and are scheduled to continue until January 17th, 2021 have been the longest shutdown.

▲ Empty gymnasium during the shutdown

Industrial workers related to indoor sports facilities are complaining of pain. Some of the workers are protesting by the day when the prolong of the shutdown is decided to complain of the countermeasure that the government announced. Also, the national petition that claims that restrictive and fluid operation of indoor sports facilities is necessary got more than 200 thousand agreements. In this situation, the government lessens the counterplan. They allow the facilities to provide lessons only to people whose age is under 19. However, their complaint is not stopped; people complain that those who go to thy gymnasium are adults, so this plan is not good.

▲ Gymnasium workers are protesting to complain of the countermeasure

Strong countermeasure is really necessary to reduce the spread of the disease. However, only the complaints will follow the unfair and uneven measures. The public and government should know what each other wants and find a consensual point.

January 10th, 2020

by An So-mi


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