Abnormal Climate대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 10:44:17

Nowadays, something is strange. This month is not summer. Also, May is in between spring and summer. However, todays is so hot, and we cannot live without the air conditioner. Experts said this is happening because of the global warming.
     The whole earth is getting hotter and hotter. This problem is called global warming. Then, what is the global warming? The earth's ecosystem is changing, which is attributable in a great part to the effects of globalization and humans. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than in the past. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the heat. It is what we called global warming. Also, global warming causes a strange climate and destroys the ecosystem.
     On June 2nd, 2017, the strange climate appeared. There was slated to rain in the afternoon, however, there was rain which combined with the hail. Hail is when the cloud's degree is five to ten, and they can damage people and farm. Also, if the person is fit, they can be hurt of damaged. In that day, the hail fell in Ulsan, Daejeon, Seoul, and other places in South Korea. All Korean people were shocked, and some of the regions were damaged, especially their farm. Also, there are not the only hail, in that day, the hail and the thunder together appeared. However, in Ulsan, there were no damages, and there were no accidents reported. 

     All Korean people wondered about the 06.01 accident. However, the expert did not answer about this. People experienced strange feelings. Also, people felt about this dangerous situation. That happening is served as a momentum to think about the global warming and the earth.

                                                                June 8th, 2017. by 김윤슬


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