Hospital Playlist: A Special Story about Ordinary Daily Lives대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-21 00:04:45

Are you tired in your life or exhausted in its circumstances? You might want to find something that can give you energy. How about watching this drama, "Hospital Playlist?" This is a drama which tells a story about five doctors' ordinary but a little special daily lives.

One of the popular dramas, "Hospital Playlist", is a South Korean medical drama which is about five doctors' special story about their ordinary daily lives. The theme was unusual and specific, so the expectation of people was high. In many people's expectations, it broadcast first on March 12th and came to a splendid end on May 28th. It recorded 6.3% viewership at first and reached 14.1% of viewership in its last broadcast.

▲ Picture of main characters of Hospital Playlist

"Hospital Playlist" became a famous and popular drama because it gave people healing by the unusual joy and inspiration it provided them. Also, it reminded people's familiar and warm feelings in each character's daily life. The fans of the drama commented that this drama was a comfort to them and also healed their tired mind through the drama's warm atmosphere. Not only that but also its original soundtracks played a role. It contained many 1990s popular songs as an original soundtrack. The main roles of drama sang their remake version of Lonely Night by the rock band, Boohwal, at the first episode of the drama, and then some more songs such as "Introduce Me a Good Person" by Basis and "Aloha" by Cool were also included at the episodes of this drama. These songs also captivated people's hearts by making them being nostalgic and remembered memories of their previous experiences.

▲ Picture of band scene of Hospital Playlist

Indeed, the "Hospital Playlist" has a great influence on many people's hearts. This drama plans to make a comeback for its second season. So, a lot of people are excited to watch it again. The second season of "Hospital Playlist" will be aired in April 2021.


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