Firepower of BTS and Their Interview대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-25 13:39:52

A lot of singers and idols cannot work a lot because of COVID-19. However, in spite of this situation, an idol group made lots of records. Its official music video, "Dynamite", has recorded the most views per day. The times which the video played is one hundred million. It is the first time that the video got one hundred million views in one day.

▲ One of their cover of album

BTS's other records are a lot. First, their music video, "Dynamite", was played one million times in just 21 minutes. It is the fastest record in the world. Second, "Dynamite" got one million likes during the initial public waiting time, two minutes before the video starts. Third, BTS won first place of Billboard Hot 100 Chart, British official chart, French official chart, and German official chart. They got first place at Digital Songs, Streaming Songs, and for 165 weeks at Social so.

▲ The scene of BTS`s interview

Celebrating the winning of BTS, they got a lot of interviews. On September 10th, they had an interview. A member of the group, Jimin, said that he could not actually feel the victory of "Dynamite", and he felt bad that he could not have a party because the situation is too bad. Another member, V, said that he could actually feel the popularity of BTS. He also said his friends and families are members of Army, their fans club. Then, Jungkook, another member, said that he hopes people will overcome this hard situation brought by COVID-19.

Even at this moment, a number of people are playing the videos of BTS. Nobody can forecast the future of BTS. Many people hope that BTS will boom more than now.


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