High School Students in South Korea Launched an International Online MUN대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-01-26 15:47:40
Students of Hyundai Chung-un High school in Ulsan, South Korea hosted an international Model UN conference online on 1/9 and 1/10. Teenagers from 8 different countries, including India, Turkey, Philippines, South Korea, and more, met through Zoom meetings and discussed the international issues on hand.

▲ I-HMUN, the International Hyundai Chung-un Model United Nations.

I-HMUN 2021, the International Hyundai Chung-un Model United Nations, is an inaugural Model UN conference designed by high school students. Model United Nations, usually abbreviated into MUN, is a popular activity for people interested in learning more about how the UN operates. "It aims to stimulate discourses over international issues, to start a new inspiration between participants, and to spread the concept and idea of the United Nations. I also experienced my first MUN about a year ago, which started a spark within my heart. That experience motivated me to start this project.", said the Secretary-General of I-HMUN 2021.

▲ Model UN is an experience where people discuss global issues in a form of the UN conference.

​​​ It goes back to August when they first came up with this idea. Their first conception was to host an online meeting with students of sister schools in China and Japan. However, because of decreased interchanges, it was hard to connect with the sister schools. "We were disappointed and confused, but we could not stop there. We had a vision and started to find other ways. We decided to connect ourselves with the world on our own. We launched our homepage, designed promotional materials, and promoted to schools and teenagers around the world through email and Social Media." The attempt was more successful even than their expectation, with the delegate registration finished before the due date.

"We thought everything is now in a stable way. But we faced a new problem. We couldn't go to school because of the COVID-19.", said the Secretary-General. As the COVID-19 cases increased dramatically in South Korea from December, students couldn't go to school, which resulted in the problem of cooperation with school and training of Student Officers, who are in charge of and process conference meetings. "Even our school exam schedule was changed. We didn't have much time, so all the people engaged, which include the Secretariats, Student officers, and Staff, worked day and night."

▲ The official homepage of I-HMUN 2021. (ihmun.weebly.com)

The conference ended successfully, with more than 50 students from different countries discussing international issues in the fields of world health, conflict, human rights, refugees, and the environment. According to the after-conference survey, many participants answered that it was an enlightening experience, which enhanced understanding of global issues and the UN and inspired new relationships between people from different backgrounds. "It was a great experience, from the very beginning of our work to the closing ceremony. I learned a lot through mistakes and errors, and this experience truly changed me and motivated me in various ways. I hope this conference will last in our school so that more people can get the inspiration and idea of global activities.", said the Secretary-General. He also mentioned that there should be more leisure and support for students so that they can start and realize new ideas.

January 25th, 2021

by Shin Seungwon


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