Green Hydrogen대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-02-01 16:46:30

Nowadays, people are becoming increasingly aware of our environment. So, many of them are making personal efforts in their daily lives for the sake of the environment. Over personal effort, technologies for the environment are also being developed. One of them is the use of green hydrogen.

▲ Green Hydrogen

Although hydrogen does not have any color, it is classified into green hydrogen, gray hydrogen, and blue hydrogen. First, gray hydrogen is hydrogen generated from fossil fuels. During the process, the mass of carbon dioxide is emitted. This is the reason why we call this kind of hydrogen gray hydrogen. Next, the way to produce blue hydrogen is the same as gray hydrogen, but blue hydrogen is different since it gathers, compresses, and stores carbon dioxide that is being released. Lastly, green hydrogen is a method to create hydrogen using electrolysis. Green hydrogen emits a little carbon dioxide, so it is mention as a future energy resource.

▲ Solar Hydrogen

Recently, a green hydrogen technology called "solar hydrogen" was announced. Solar hydrogen technology uses sunlight to produce hydrogen and oxygen from water. When we use an organic semiconductor that has a high efficiency creating hydrogen in this process, there was a problem that organic semiconductor gets damaged easily in water. However, the UNIST research team succeeded in overcoming this problem. This is estimated as the research that showed the possibility of solar hydrogen technology.

Like this, efforts to develop future technology will not stop. Climate change is getting serious, and one of the causes is carbon dioxide. To reduce carbon dioxide, many countries are paying attention to green solar hydrogen technology since it is easy to get hydrogen, and it is eco-friendly. We should pursue the use of green energy for the environment.

by Kim Yerin

Jan 23, 2021


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