The Drone‘s Predicting Volcanic Eruption Technology대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-02-01 16:51:55

What do you think are the uses of drones? Many people would probably say that drone is used for taking pictures and entertainment. It is easy to control drones, and drones have the advantage of being able to go to places where people are hard to go. Therefore, drones can help volcanologists to predict volcanic eruptions.

▲ The Mayon Volcano is one of the active volcanoes in the world.

All over the world, there are so many volcanoes. For example, the Mayon Volcano is one of the active volcanoes in Albay Province. It exploded about 50 times in the past 500 years. Moreover, more than 1,200 people died because of its eruption. There are more volcanoes on Earth like this volcano, but it is not easy to predict when they will erupt. Moreover, there is not any technology that can usefully go closer to the volcano and measure it. So, volcanologists tried to use drones in predicting volcanic eruptions.

▲ A drone is going near the volcano.

One volcanologist named Matthew Watson and his team had a project with a special drone which was developed by an international co-research team. They put the drone near the volcano, and it succeeded to collect data of volcanic eruptions. The drone could measure gas content directly above the volcano's crater. Volcanologist Matthew Watson said that this was a really great project. They were able to know a lot about volcanic systems that were rarely studied using state-of-the-art measuring systems.

Predicting volcanic eruptions with drones was successful, and scientists are developing drone technology. With this technology, we can predict volcanic eruptions safer, closer, and more consistently. After many experiments and projects, drones now is expected to have a significant and positive impact on our future development in science and technology.

by Young Chae Lee


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