Covid19 and School Education in 2021대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-02-01 17:19:32

Yoo Eun-Hye, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education is announcing a plan to support the operation of Academic and curriculum in 2021" at the Sejong Government Complex in Sejong City on the 28th. (Photo provided = Ministry of Education)

On the 28th, the Ministry of Education and the National Council of Superintendents of Education announced a plan to support the operation of Academic and curriculum in 2021 through consultation with quarantine authorities in preparation for the COVID-19 situations.

The main content is that the 2021 academic year will begin on March 2 without postponement of the opening of the school and the College Scholastic Ability Test will be held on the 18th, the third Thursday of November, without postponement due to COVID-19. To expand school attendance, infants and first and second-graders can be excluded from the application of the density principle until the second stage of social distancing, and special schools (or special classes) and small schools can autonomously decide whether to apply the density principle up to the 2.5 level. To increase the number of school days for the first and second-graders in elementary school, the number of school days for the third and sixth graders has not decreased, which has the effect of expanding school hours.

The number of students who can be recognized as a small-sized school was around 300 in 2020. Starting this year, schools with less than 300 students will be recognized as small-sized schools, while schools with more than 300 to 400 students and fewer than 25 students per class will be recognized as small schools. And kindergartens maintain 60 students, which is the standard for last year.

On the other hand, high school seniors announced the principle of going to school every day, just like last year, but schools were not excluded from the principle of density. To keep the standard of the density of schools, it is inevitable that the number of school days for first and second-graders in high school will be reduced.

As the prolonged COVID-19 is expected to combine remote learning and school attendance, the Ministry of Education said it will temporarily provide temporary teachers to overcrowded classes in first to third-graders in elementary schools to resolve the learning gap. Also, if any of the students participating in the remote class want to have school meals, the school will be able to provide school meals.

However, the atmosphere of the spot of education was a little different. There is a sympathetic atmosphere, but some expressed concerns over the implementation due to difficulties in distancing themselves and uncertainty over the whereabouts of responsibility in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.


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