Hyundai ioniq 5대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-02-23 12:27:08

You may have heard of Tesla, which has a long-range per charge and enough autonomous system. To counteract the sole march, Hyundai established its Ioniq brand and started to make a difference in their other vehicles. They established a hyper charger and contracted with the battery industry to get a long-range and stabilized energy source provision.

▲ hyundai concept car

Hyundai proposed their vehicle, Ioniq 5, through a video that informs the convenience of camping in the car and the rapid battery charging.

Hyundai Ioniq brand was made to make EV by differentiated technology and service. As EV chargers and other EV infrastructure have been constructed, and battery safety has been stabilized, clients cannot entrust their safety to an unpredictable technology. To lessen those problems, the Ioniq brand gave V2L( Vehicle to Load), which means that the vehicle is not only restricted to charge its own battery but also give its own electricity to the outside. Ioniq also gave a hyper charging system. Ioniq 5 can be charged up to 80 percent by 18 minutes compared to 30 minutes before developing the hyper charging system.

▲ smart grid
▲ hyundai hyper charging system

The obvious difference of Ioniq 5 from other EV brands is the potentiality of the smart grid which means electricity can be circulated by a person, not by the government or a company. A smart grid was not possible until 75 percent of the public got ready for its own electricity circulation. However, the ultimate efficiency of electricity can be actualized as the Ioniq brand started to open the possibility of a smart grid.

When Tesla opened the "battery festival" to the public, the public did not get enough satisfaction from that as Tesla only pinpointed the long-range of battery, not the safety or supercharging system or autonomous driving. Today, a long-range ultimate battery is not the main goal of EV. How the brands get trust from clients is their main goal.

February 7th, 2021

by 곽경민


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