‘Global Bullying‘ as Trump Withdraws the USA from the Paris Agreement.대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2017-06-14 13:13:17

President Trump, has officially declared the withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Agreement, this decision has been widely ignored both inside and outside the country.


The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris in March 1883 to protect industrial property rights on an international level. It has since been revised several times. Meanwhile, the British Financial Times and the New York Times reported that the US local government ignored the White House decision and that Europe and China were trying to isolate Trump, including strengthening the "green alliance" .


Thirty Americans senators, three governors, 80 university presidents and over 100 companies formed a group to negotiate with the United Nations for the purpose of achieving the reduction of greenhouse gas goals of the Paris agreement, regardless of President Trump's announcement.


Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who sponsors the organization, met Emmanuel Mark Long, President of France, and said, "US cities, states, universities and businesses will inform the United Nations of its commitment t to reduce carbon emissions by 26% "He said.


"We have already come in more than half, and we can speed up our development without Washington's support," he said. "The US government can leave the agreement, but the Americans continue to keep the accord."


Many other world leaders have also criticized President Trump's declaration of withdrawal from the Paris treaty.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed regret over President Trump's decision, saying the decision "can not stop us."


President Emmanuel Mark Long criticized President Trump's decision in a live broadcast in English as "a mistake in the future of the world as well as the United States."


In his speech, he said, "Trump has turned its back on the world, but we will not turn our back on America."


"We are confident that the decision to withdraw from the Paris Treaty by the United States is a major mistake," said EU Chancellor of the Exchequer Tusk EU, after meeting with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Belgium.


Trump's approval ratings are fluctuating accordingly.


According to a recent poll conducted on May 31 by Polytico, the US political media, 43 percent of respondents said they would like Congress to be impeach President Trump.


In particular, criticism of the Trump regime's response to the so-called "Russian scandal", which suspects Russia of being involved in influencing the outcome of the US presidential election last year. However, among those supporting impeachment, 43 percent of respondents believe President Trump committed a crime concerning Russia's involvement, and a majority said he was "incompetent as a president."

June, 10th, 2017. By Heo Jun Hyeok



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