Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 16:43:59

On June 3rd, 2006, Ulsan Rose Festival Part 1, "One Million Flowering Happiness Rose Festival" opened. Since then, for 13 years, in Ulsan Grand Park, Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival has been held. From the opening of the festival for one week, 9 a.m. to 10 p.m., the festival will always welcome you. However, this year, because of COVID-19, we still do not know the exact date of the festival. If COVID-19 calms down, the festival will operate normally like as it used to.

▲ Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival, by HaeMil, 2020

During the festival, 265 kinds of roses are placed in the park. Millions of roses are used during the festival. For one week, you can enjoy a pretty view of millions of roses in colorful colors. You can enjoy food trucks anytime when you are hungry. You can enjoy flea markets in the park during the festival. Also, at night, you can enjoy different types of sculptures designed with roses and colorful lights. There are so many photograph zones in the park where you may take masterpiece pictures of yourself and the rose.

In addition, during the festival, there are parades every day and every moment, and they will not let you get bored. There are some parades that normal people can volunteer to join "Rose Costume Play Walking Parade." Also, opening and ending parades will give highlights to the opening and ending ceremony. A music concert will delight your ears, too. Moreover, in a rose cafe, you can enjoy lots of activities and rest there while eating some foods from the rose cafe.

▲ LARGEST ROSE FESTIVAL ULSAN, by Stephanie Griggs, 2016

Whilst, because of COVID-19 last year, Ulsan Grand Park Rose Festival got canceled, and the 2021 Ulsan Grand Park Festival seems hard to open. The director of the Ulsan Grand Park Festival said that currently, the outbreak of COVID-19 continues, infections continue to occur in the local community, and there is no reassurance yet. The reality is that there is a concern about the spread of infectious diseases. After his claim, last year's rose festival got canceled. This indeed meant that this year's Ulsan Rose Festival has the possibility of getting canceled. Lots of people hope for going to the rose festival and enjoying like they used to do. However, most of them are facing the reality and agreeing about the cancellation.

By Seohyeon Choi


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