A New Promising Job in the Future대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 17:04:18

Nowadays, there are many promising jobs around us. The drone expert is one of the most promising jobs. Some people believe that drone is just like a playing toy, but it is not. It has the infinite possibility to grow up. The drone expert can play an active part in life-saving such as in forest fire extinguishing, safe rescuer, security issues such as border surveillance and a crackdown on illegal fishing, broadcast and media, delivery by a drone, and game-like drone racing. Like this, a drone expert's future is endless.

To become a drone expert, we have to finish high school to have a college degree first. Them, we have to pass a test about drones and achieve a certificate of flight, drive, ultralight of flight.

▲ A person who operates a drone

After that process, we can be drone experts. When we become drone experts, we can choose a specific field we want to do. We can go to other fields mentioned in the introduction of jobs that are more related to a drone.

However, if we become drone experts, we should use our ability only with good intentions. If we have good purposes, drones can lead to human development and convenience. However, if we use our ability with bad intentions, we can make a bad outcome. For example, unmanned fighter aircraft, a type of drone, can cause numerous casualties if the owner decides. Therefore, it is necessary that people keep in mind the good usage of drones.

Till now, the drone industry has been recognized as just a venture field. However, it has the infinite possibility to be a huge industry. So, in the future, drone experts will be needed more and more. So, why do you not become a drone expert or your future outlook?

by Jung Se Yoon


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