A Traditional Food in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 17:06:08

In South Korea, many people like and eat kimchi. Kimchi is a traditional and fermented Korean food. Also, it has a lot of good effects on the body, and kimchi has a long history. Moreover, kimchi has various types.

▲ A picture of kimchi

First, kimchi has a lot of good effects. It has many vitamins, so it can be good for diet and can improve the immune system. It is made with pepper, garlic, and cabbage, so it is good for decreasing bad cholesterol. Moreover, it has allicin and an antibiotic which are good for preventing constipation. It can help maintain the health of teeth and bones. Lastly, it has a lactobacillus, so it can prevent harmful bacteria.

A long time ago, people made food ferment to store food for a long time. This was the origin of kimchi. Later on, people made kimchi to store vegetables in winter because of the lack of vegetables. In the Goryeo dynasty, this way was developed to eat fermented vegetables because Buddhism made people not eat meat. In the Joseon Dynasty, the ingredients to make Kimchi were diversified, and the development of agriculture was improved, so it became kimchi nowadays.

▲ Model of person who makes kimchi

There are various types of kimchi, and kimchi recipes vary in different localities. For example, there are dongchimi, cabbage kimchi, and radish kimchi. Dongchimi is a soup and has a lot of fiber, so it can prevent cavities. Cabbage kimchi is made with cabbage and is made to eat this vegetable in winter. Radish kimchi is made with radish and is very nutritious for the body.

Kimchi has various advantages for health, and it has a long history. Kimchi will spread out more to the whole world with the Korean Wave, and many people will like to eat it.

by Jiho Wang


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