Masayoshi Son‘s Unbelievable Endeavors대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-08 17:07:28

소프트뱅크 손정의, 40조원에 산 ARM 애플·엔비디아에 매각 타진 - Chosunbiz  > 테크

Masayoshi Son was born in Tosu, Saga prefecture in Japan on August 11th, 1957. He was born in a poor Korean immigrant household. However, things changed rapidly as his father started a pachinko business.

In 1973, Masayoshi Son struggled to make a short interview with Fujita Den, one of the most successful businessmen in Japan at the time. During the interview, Son got Den's advice that the computer industry will grow rapidly in the future. By this interview, Son decided to study in America by getting into Berkeley University and studying economics and computer science. To cover his admission fees, he developed a translator and sold the patent to SHARP, which helped him with the money he needed to open a business of his own.

By building Son's own company, he started his business with software programming, and later, he got into numerous partnerships with worldwide scale companies such as Apple and Microsoft, which led him to more fame and money. He also invested in Alibaba, which later grew to become one of the biggest electric commerce markets in China.

Nowadays, in the Japanese society, Son is viewed as one of the most successful businessmen in Japan's history, and he continues to inspire local Japanese people, and especially, Korean immigrants in Japan that they have the unlimited possibility to change their future, and that they should be proud of who themselves are.

By Minsu Chung


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