One of the Influential Person대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-21 10:17:17
  • 수정 2021-04-21 10:19:05

If we talk about a person who can represent South Korea, I can say it is Lee Hyori. In fact, she is the leader of trends. Also, she is called "Hyori syndrome". She affects many other people.

Lee Hyori was born on 10 May 1979. When she was young, she started to work at a restaurant. Then, the president of an agency came and scouted her as a singer. When she performed, the other singer's manager liked her. She is active both as a group and as a soloist. She has been active in many groups, including Fin. K.L. (leader, subvocal, and rapper), SSAK3 (rapper, center, and vocal), and refund sisters (leader, vocal, dancer).

▲ vogue Korea
Lee Hyori is the person who first got a tribute advertising. She has initial records. First, she has gotten first place from 1990 to 2020. She has music awards at both group and solo. She was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for being featured 891 times in the newspapers. She topped all the music awards and entertainment awards. She is successful both as a group and as a soloist and has established herself in entertainment.

Lee Hyori affects other people a lot. She is a Lacto vegetarian. She opposes the idea of animal slaughter and factory-style breeding for certain parts. She also said that she would not shoot commercial advertising because she has a belief in environmental protection. She helps abandoned dogs volunteer and joined many activities.

If you ask someone who makes a trend in our country, the most probable answer would be Lee Hyori. She is a successful performer and she has expressed her beliefs, which influenced many others.

By Jeongbin Lee


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