South Korea‘s Coronavirus Vaccine대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:17:37

Recently, the medical teams in South Korea star the injection of the coronavirus vaccine. First, they bring in the AstraZeneca vaccine, and in order, they bring in Pfizer and Moderna. The time has gone by a year since the first confirmed case appeared. For a year, many people have become depressed because of the spread of coronavirus. However, by injecting the coronavirus vaccine, people have hope for taking off the mask. For a year, the government and the medical teams also have made efforts to get rid of coronavirus such as securing sickbeds and treating confirmed cases.
The government said that most people of South Korea are already injected with vaccines. it is separated into four quarters. In the first quarter, the coronavirus vaccine will be injected into people in convalescent hospitals and medical institution doctors. In the second quarter, senior citizens aged 65 or older and disabled people will get the vaccine. In the third quarter, adults who are chronically ill, adults who are 18 to 64 years old, and employees in nursery facilities will be injected. In the fourth quarter, the coronavirus vaccine will be injected into the secondary inoculators and people who do not need immediate inoculation. People under 18 years of age do not get vaccines because they do not have the result of clinical trials.

▲ Started Vaccinating of AstraZeneca Vaccine

As one of the recipients of the coronavirus vaccine, the side effects of the vaccine are rising issue. So, what are the side effects of the coronavirus vaccine? Headache, chill, fever, muscle pain, tiredness, and dizziness are the typical side effects. According to the news today, Yeon-seop Kim said that CDC studied the side effects of the coronavirus vaccine. The percentage of serious side effects is 0.4 percent.

▲ The Medical Staff Are Dispensing a Small Portion of the Pfizer Vaccine in the Syringe.

Vaccines also have different temperatures that are transportation and shortage are different. Pfizer vaccines are transported and kept at 70 degrees below zero, and Moderna vaccines should be transported and stored at minus 20 degrees Celsius. The government said that there will be a form of group immunity by November 2021.


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