A Big Festival Which Is Held in Guyeong Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:21:58

There are a lot of school events all over the world. Among them, the Guyeong Middle School festival is similar to various school events such as prom and homecoming. There is a school festival which named "Turmoil". It has a special event for Guyeong Middle School students who perform for this festival.

▲ students who are leading the festival

In the event which is held in Guyeong Middle School, more than two teams which are made of more than one person from each class have to participate in the festival performance. Also, there are many kinds of performances which are made by students such as magic, dancing, singing, and even acting a play with a large number of students. Besides, some celebrities come to Guyeong Middle School, who graduated from here. They do a special performance for students at the festival.

▲ students who are acting in the school festival

An interview with a third-grade student at Guyeong Middle School, named Ha Na Lee, said that this festival made her a precious memory during her school years. She even wants to invite other friends who are attending the other school. It would be unforgettable in her life. Also, a teacher who teaches English at Guyeong Middle School said that he is happy to watch students enjoying the festival without worrying about their studies. It is really meaningful because students and teachers can relieve stress for a while. He believes this festival has to be continued for a long time for it gives enjoyment to both students and teachers.

The school event named "Turmoil" which is held in Guyeong Middle School is helpful to both students and teachers. Through a lot of performances which are shown at the festival, they will be able to relax and enjoy themselves.

By Sohn Ye Ji


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