Ulsan Seo Girl Middle School‘s Cultural and Artistic Career Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:40:03

Experiencing lots of things is important for adolescents. Therefore, there are various projects by each school all around the area of South Korea. For example, there are cultural projects, artistic projects, sports projects, and making projects. In Ulsan Seo Girl Middle School's case, they pursue to have cultural and artistic career projects to find out each student's aptitude for a career and make students realize many things related to careers all around the world. Also, the school wants to teach students that each of them has lots of talents more than they expected.

There are such processes to experience the cultural and artistic career project. First, students have to select one or two projects that they want to experience. Then, they should visit another place to experience cultural and artistic career, or tutors come to students' school. After experiencing cultural and artistic careers with the tutors, students have to write a report and should evaluate the classes.

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After all of the processes are done, students can assume which job is right for them, and they can also improve their writing skills. Students can learn that there are lots of jobs in our society, and which job is right for their aptitude and skills. Also, they can have a great time with the tutors and other friends who have the same analogical tendency.

Kim Ha Won, who experienced cultural and artistic career projects, said that it let her get some information to choose her career. Also, she got some goals for her career thanks to the cultural and artistic career project. Also, she realized that there are lots of careers in the world.

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Ulsan Seo Girl Middle School was the first school around my town to select a cultural and artistic career projects as one of the school projects. School projects such as cultural and artistic career projects can make students happy and enjoy. Also, students can learn lots of information thanks to these school projects. Ulsan Seo Girl Middle School should continue this project so that students can enjoy it.


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