Lobster for a School Meal대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 12:43:23

How do you feel if you eat lobster for a school meal? Maybe many students will be surprised and happy with it. Here is Nutritionist, Kim Min Ji, who prepared lobster and other luxurious foods for students in Segyung Middle School.

Segyung Middle School is famous for its delicious school meals. They provide lobster, king crab, and even caviar for students. Also, it can be possible because of Nutritionist Kim Min-ji's effort. Lobster is too expensive for a school meal. In ordinary schools, most students do not like to eat their school meal because they think it is not delicious. They often do not eat a school meal, they eat a snack in their classroom. However, in Segyung Middle School, the students like their school meals. It is because the school provides students with lobster, king crab ramen, and even caviar. The students like this because they can have various experiences. Most students cannot eat caviar because of its popularity. They do not have a chance to try it. However, because of the school meal, they can experience many kinds of foods. Many people complimented the nutritionist of Segyung Middle School.

▲ It is lobster for school meal in Segyung Middle School.

The lobster and other school meals could be possible because of Nutritionist Kim Min Ji's effort to provide the school meals. As you know, the school budget is limited, and foods like lobster are too expensive to be served as a school meal. So, she constantly tried to negotiate for a cheap and good meal. As a result, she became famous on the Internet, and she was interviewed in a TV program. She said that she worked hard for students' health and the good quality of the meal. Now, she is working in a major company, as GS cafeteria's nutritionist. Also, her diet is very popular among the employees in GS company.

▲ Nutritionist Kim Min Ji is interviewing in the famous TV program.

Making healthy and good quality meals is very hard work to do. However, nutritionist Kim Min Ji did it. She can be a good model for many nutritionists. Also, many students want to eat lobster for a school meal, and it can be possible someday.

By Gyurin Kang


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