Occurrence of Death Toll Everyday after Vaccination대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-16 16:42:08

After the vaccination of AstraZeneca, the death rate is continuously increasing. According to the statistics, the death rate reached eight on March 7th, increasing one death compared to yesterday.

▲ AstraZeneca`s vaccine

The government announced that the vaccination of AstraZeneca would be in progress from March 1st targeted to the middle-aged. The elderly were excluded from AstraZeneca's vaccine because there was no evidence that the vaccine would be effective for the senior. However, according to PHE, they found a connection between the elderly and the vaccine. They determined that hospitalization cases were decreased three weeks after the vaccination for the elderly over 80. England Determining the effect of AstraZeneca for the elderly, many countries are examining thoroughly the permission of elderly's vaccine.

▲ The death toll is increasing day after day after the vaccination.

Although AstraZeneca's effect is proved through these clinical tests, the death toll is increasing day after day after vaccination. According to the vaccination response team, the fatality rate reached eight, and suspicious reactions were reported over 800 especially about anaphylaxis (serious allergic reaction). The first case was a 52-year-old patient who died early Thursday two days after being vaccinated. It was determined that he had a cardio-cerebrovascular disease. Also, it was revealed that other patients had an underlying diseases like diabetes before vaccination.

▲ The government reviewed suspicious reactions and correlation between vaccine and the death.

The government determined that the first conference is held on March 7th. In the conference, they reviewed suspicious reactions reported for a week and the correlation between the vaccine and the death. After the first meeting, they will hold a private conference which will review the suspicious cases and analyze them. On March 8th, the conference will announce a tentative conclusion about the correlation between the vaccine and death.

March 7th, by Kwak Chae Hyeon


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