The Leader of Future Technology, Aerospace Engineer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 10:40:28

Going through several industrial revolutions, human beings have developed their world. Now, they are looking at the outside of Earth, the extensive universe. The leader of this new technology is an aerospace engineer. They develop rockets and aircraft and discover the moon and other planets.

▲ The rocket is launching outer space.

There are four main parts that aerospace engineers do. First is Aerodynamics which studies the flow of the fluid and deals with the flow of air around the wings of the aircraft. Next is Structure Mechanics. This part handles the structural problems with forces, deformations, moments, and vibrations on each part of the aircraft. It also deals with the crack of material, so it is related to material engineering. The third is Control Engineering. It deals with the technology to move the position, location, and speed of the flight vehicles and their components as desired. As the proportion of unmanned spacecraft and airplanes is increasing, the importance of the Control Engineering part is increasing, too. The last part is Propulsion Engineering which is related with enforcement system to pull ahead. It deals with a jet engine and a rocket engine of the aircraft. It needs a log of experiments accompanying chemical reactions.

▲ The part of the process of making rocket.

To be an aerospace engineer, you should study not only aerospace engineering but also mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, material engineering, and chemical engineering because aerospace engineering has multiple fields. For the personality, you need amicable interpersonal competency, and definite communication ability because if you work as an aerospace engineer, you need to connect with people from other countries.

As you know, the future prospect of an aerospace engineer is bright. Many media are choosing that aerospace engineer is one of the jobs that have a bright future. According to the interview with a professor in aerospace engineering, he said that aerospace engineering is the representative part that leads the future science technology, and it also said that the development of technology in aerospace engineering part will have a great influence on other fields.


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