Statistics Poster Project대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 10:48:59

Summarizing a lot of information is very important. Summarizing is good to see a lot of schools execute to make a statistics poster to learn how to summarize and make graphs well.

▲ Example of Statistics Poster
Statistics Poster Project is a project that makes a poster that uses one or more contents-related graphs to summarize the data, visualize the answer, and analyze an approaching problem from multiple perspectives.

Making a statistics poster is divided into six steps. First, choose the topic in which you are usually interested. Second, make a plan on how to make a statistics poster. Third, collect data in two ways. It is either to collect necessary data or to use existing data. Fourth, analyze the cause and effect in the data. Fifth, visualize to use graphs or summarize. Finally, tell the conclusion of the results. The skills of making posters of students become more advanced than before doing the Statistics Poster Project. From an interview with a student who is participating in Statistics Poster Project, Park Jae-Won said about his advanced skills and feeling after making Statistics Poster. Park Jae-Won said he made his Statistics Poster Project alone. It is difficult to find much information and to do the Statistics Poster Project alone, however, he believed that his skills in making posters are advanced to do the Statistics Poster Project, and he is proud of himself to do it alone.

Doing Statistics Poster Project can advance skills of making posters, summarizing, and a lot of any other skills. It will be effective to students from doing Statistics Poster Project. It can also increase the confidence of people who do the Statistics Poster Project.

▲ Example of Statistics Poster


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