A job of sound engineer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 10:52:52

Sound is one of the most important parts of any broadcast. Thanks to various professionals, we can hear the sound on the broadcast. Among many sound jobs, I want to explain sound engineer.

Sound engineers do many things. They are usually in charge of manipulating the sound equipment. They prepare, place and inspect the sound devices and produce a suitable sound. They configure appropriate sound systems and plan a studio amplification system. They are also in charge of manipulating sound equipment so that sounds existing in movies and dramas can fit the video.

▲ sound system

The aptitudes and interests to become a sound engineer are required. Sense of sound, like hearing, is required to pay close attention. The ability to install operate and control sound equipment is required. Also, you need a professional understanding of sound equipment as well as carefulness in actual noise and sound.

To be a sound engineer, you need to learn broadcasting technology in institutes or university departments related to sound production. It is common to start with auxiliary work. Through special recruitment, you can be hired in broadcasting stations, movies, production companies, and film editing production. In the case of Ground Wave, you can enter the broadcasting technology field through regular public recruitment. It is an advantage to graduate from a university's department of sound. The average annual salary is about 33.37 million won.

▲ You have to be good at dealing with sound equipment.

Kim-Kyung Nam, director of sound in Korean culture and arts council stage arts department, said that in the process of preparing, you have to listen to a variety of music, and hearing is important.

To sum up, sound engineers play a vital role in managing and configuring sound equipment, and processes are needed to become sound engineers. If you are interested in sound, you might want to give it a shot.


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