To Become Teacher in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 11:00:36

In our lives, the education of children is important. Especially, elementary school students need adults' help. Therefore, elementary school teachers are an important job. They have to be considerate and understanding to elementary school students.

▲ A teacher has to be considerate to students.

There are ten universities of education in South Korea. To enter a university of education, you have to prepare many things to be an elementary school teacher. First, you have to have good grades and a good academic record. Also, you need to prepare hard for the College Scholastic Ability Test. Then, you have to take a major in elementary education for four years in a university of education. Moreover, you should take a teacher certification examination. To pass a teacher certification examination, you have to study steadily and very hard. Also, review and preparation are good ways to pass the teacher certification examination.

If you are a newly appointed elementary school teacher in South Korea, your annual income is about 35 million won. If you are an elementary school teacher who is teaching for more than five years, your annual income is about 60 million won. Also, you should know that elementary school teachers should move to another elementary school every five years.

An elementary school teacher is a job that teaches elementary school students. Sometimes, elementary school teachers have to make an informed decision. Also, they have to make so much effort. They have to do an academic lesson and life guidance for elementary school students. Therefore, elementary school teachers need kindness and the grasp of elementary school students.

▲ A teacher has to be understanding to students.

An elementary school teacher is a very difficult job. So, there are many people who give up to be an elementary school teacher while they prepare to be an elementary school teacher. However, elementary school teachers feel proud that they are elementary school teachers. A current elementary school teacher said that when students enjoy her class, she feels so proud. So, an elementary school teacher is a very difficult but proud job.


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