On Becoming a Police Officer대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-23 11:03:31

October 21 is the Police Day. This day is enacted to mediate on the history of police which overcame hardship and assure resolution. Then, what is the role of the police officer, and how can we be a police officer?

▲ The policeman under the Security Transportation Division is controlling traffic.

The role of a police officer is defined as keeping the safety of people and preserving the peace and security against any crime. Also, if a crime happens, they will investigate to find out the criminals. Most people know police officers often investigate the crime scene. However, they do more work to preserve the peace and security of a country from criminals. The police officer is divided into many departments. The typical department of the police officers is the Criminal Investigation Section and Security Transportation Division. The policemen under the Criminal Investigation Section investigate the crime scene as you can see in the movies. The policemen under the Security Transportation Division have jurisdiction in transmit. You can see them in the road well.

Becoming a police officer has two ways typically. first is entering a police university by passing a test. You will be educated in the university for four years After you graduate from the university, you will start your career as a lieutenant, which is a leader of a small police station. The other way is passing the civil service examination. If you pass this examination, you will be educated in the Central Police Academy. After you graduate from the academy, you will start your career as a constable, which is the lowest class in the police. It often takes twenty years to be promoted from constable to lieutenant. So, graduating from a police university is more advantageous way.

▲ The symbol of Korean police.

According to an interview with a police officer in SoobackC, which is a site about careers, the police officer said that a police officer is very hard work. Also, he wanted to say to students whose dream is to be a police officer to keep up their good works and think hopefully. According to the career net, which is another site about careers, the prospect of a police officer is very great. So, if you want to be a police officer, keep up the good works as the police officer said.


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