Everything about the President대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-29 22:05:14

Do you know exactly what the president does? What do you want to do if you are the president? When you watch TV, you can watch the news about the president. Also, when you search on the Internet, you will know who the former presidents are. However, not everybody knows what a president really does.

First of all, the president of each country is the main representative of his own country. So, the job of the president is really important. Likewise, the roles of the president are important, too. The presidents do diplomatic activities. We can see easily that the presidents go to another country for diplomatic activity. Sometimes, they attend an international conference and summit with the other. Besides, the presidents also have an appointment power in their own country. Therefore, they select officials and implement policies.

▲ Summit of South Korea and the past America`s presidents.

On the other hand, there are some virtues needed to become a president, and they are essential. Understandably, the presidents need to possess a sense of leadership because they command executively. In addition, the presidents need to love the public. They should have the heart to govern and protect the public. Lastly, the presidents need to have a strong and open mindset. There are many opinions about the policies which are made by the presidents. So, the presidents should learn to accept people's opinions and manage the problems.

▲ South Korea uses national petition to listen the voice of nation

How to run for the presidential election? There are standards to follow when we run for president. The person who will run for election should be at the age of 40 or more in South Korea. Also, they need 500 million won. However, be warned, when the person failed in the election and cannot go beyond the standard of an approval rating, that person cannot get back his or her money. Lastly, he or she should live in the country for more than five years and needs to be a citizen of the country because the presidents should be the public servant of the country.

by Goo Min Jung


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