The Various Projects in Munsu Middle School대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 09:52:15

There are many projects in each school. Also, many students participate in each project. They can enjoy and participate. In Munsu Middle School, there are various projects. For example, there is a performance assessment, a making a rolling paper, job experience, making science acrostic poems, and many more. Among them, there are three projects which students find enjoyable and are the most interesting projects for them.

▲ school project

The first project is making science acrostic poems. It is associated with science. The way to do it is simple. Students choose a science word in a textbook and write an acrostic poem of it. It is simple and can be done easily. Students can develop their imagination, so it is interesting for them. Also, the best work receives the prize, so many students participate hardly. This project can give a nice experience to students.

The second project is making a rolling paper. In a big polystyrene plate, students stick their messages. They decorate it by themselves in seven days. Every year, the topic is changed a little. Sometimes, students write a thank you message and post it. Also, sometimes, they write an apology message. This project is a team project, so they can develop cooperation. Also, it is a project for students, so they can develop deep relationships. Many students enjoy this project for these reasons.

▲ school

The final project is job experience. A future career is very important to students. This project is for students who do not have a dream yet. Students can choose the career they want, and an instructor comes and gives information about the career. Students also experience the work associated with the job. For example, students want to learn silver crafts, they can get a bracelet made of silver. It is enjoyable to students, and they can understand that job more.

There are many projects in Munsu Middle School. Maybe other schools have various projects, too. Many projects give enjoyment to students. Like these projects, students can develop a better relationship with their friends and understand about a somethings. The school projects will continue.

by Kim Chae Min


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