Climate Change Reversal Specialist대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 10:03:05

Some jobs are being made up because of some various problems. One of the promising jobs in the future is climate change reversal specialist. Nowadays, climate problem is being paid attention as a problem which we must solve because climate change causes so many problems. So, climate change reversal specialists are required to solve such problems.

Climate change reversal specialists analyze why climate change happens and study about the adaptation according to the climate change. They predict some ling-term climate changes like global warming. They evaluate some effects such as drought and typhoon and establish countermeasures on climate change which can give people bad effects. To control the factor of climate change, they study on some problems like greenhouse gas reduction. They study some treatments on the problems. They also execute other common tasks like what common researchers do.

▲ They analyze the climate change.

A climate change reversal specialist mainly works at a central government or in a local government. Climate change reversal specialists need to have a master's degree or higher in the field of environmental engineering, climatology, and atmospheric science. In addition, they are required to have the ability to analyze and cope with the international trend and experience the development of a policy. A person who has knowledge integrated in many ways or a broad eye can be in a better position as the climate change is influenced by various fields. For these reasons, the ministry of environment is bringing up specialists after designating a specialized graduate school.

▲ They must have a master`s degree.

Like these, climate change reversal specialist will take more and more important roles in the future. Although this career required so many qualifications, it means that the roles of a climate change reversal specialist is crucial in our society. Also, that is why people need to pay attention to them. Why do not you apply for this admired job?

By Minkyu Kim


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