COVID-19 Vaccine in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-03-30 10:10:15

Nowadays, COVID-19 has become a serious problem in the world. As we know, the situation in South Korea is serious, too. However, recently there are vaccines that are made available. The efficiency and safety of the vaccine are still undiscovered, but vaccinating is necessary to eliminate COVID-19. Moreover, there are some remaining problems related to the vaccine.

▲ The COVID-19 has caused a lot of damage.

COVID-19 is originated in China, and it has killed many people and has affected many countries in the world. The effects of the virus are very huge. So, it has changed history. It has caused a worldwide pandemic and has made people wear masks whenever they go outside. Also, it has affected people socially as everyone is advised to avoid meeting other people. So, the vaccine is important with the hope to change the situation. However, there are a lot of speculations about the vaccine's efficacy and side effects. In fact, the Korean government is hesitant to make use of the vaccine because there are some arguments and concerns about it. Why there are some concerns about the vaccine?

Although the vaccine is one of the most important solutions to prevent COVID-19, the vaccine's efficacy is still questioned and is doubted, and its safety is unknown. Also, the vaccine is speculated to have some side effects. For example, in the US, a doctor died after being vaccinated. So, Korean citizen's reaction to it is negative, and they are hesitant to get the vaccine because of this effect.

▲ The vaccine`s efficiency and safety is unknown.

However, taking the vaccine is now very important for us to get rid of the virus. However, in some cases like in the UK, vaccinating is successful. If these vaccines are used with some other COVID-19 solution, it will be the most powerful solution to fight against COVID-19. WHO president said, that the COVID-19 vaccine should not be doubted. He also said that the vaccine is now necessary to end the pandemic. Although there are some concerns, such as the side effects, and the equality of some countries, these vaccines are necessary and important. Until the pandemic is ended, the vaccine will be used.

One of the vaccine companies, Moderna's CEO said, that COVID-19 is not expected to disappear without a vaccine. His statement is showing the importance of the vaccine and how it can change our future. So, now, the Korean government's approval of the vaccine is very important to change the situation. Thus, we should all be positive about the vaccine as it is one of the hopes to fight against COVID-19.

by Kang Chae won


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