Growing Concern of Particulate Matter in South Korea대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-13 13:13:06

▲ Due to fine dust, it is hard to see tall buildings in Seoul, South Korea.

Nowadays, the growing concern of particulate matter in South Korea is very serious, and it is a hot issue. For instance, on the 29th of March, in South Korea, most countries' concentration of fine particulate matter was to a very bad degree. Moreover, there were Yellow dust warnings in many countries excluding some places such as Daegu, Busan, Ulasn, and Jeju. Moreover, for the last decade, it is true that the quality of air in South Korea had been bad by the great influence which is caused by some countries.

Particulate matter is defined as a tiny toxic substance that cannot be observed by humankind's eyes. Moreover, it can be produced by the combustion of fossil fuel and vehicle emissions. Moreover, this dust can be divided into two by size. First, a diameter under 10 micrometer is defined as "Fine Dust." Second, a diameter under 2.5 micrometer is defined as "Ultra Fine Dust". Both can cause bad symptoms by passing through inside the body which is very deep. Surprisingly, the Korea Institute of Environmental Research analyzed cases of high concentration of fine dust five times from January 2018 to January, 2019. As a result, China's influence on South Korea's concentration of fine dust was 28 percent as a minimum, and 82 percent as a maximum. Therefore, it is serious that China's influence in South Korea's particulate matter is massive.

▲ Both Fine Dust and Ultra Fine Dust are very small.

It is important that we have to solve this problem by ourselves. Moreover, it is important to find some solutions that can be possible. For example, there are solutions which are using electric cars, using bus or subway, and walking or riding a bike instead of driving a car. Moreover, there are some solutions such as using alternative energy or using an electric car, making an Eco-friendly factory. Lastly, planting some trees which can survive in the harsh environment near the desert or in the desert can be a good solution.

To sum up, particulate matter in South Korea is a very serious problem. Moreover, it can cause many dangerous symptoms or diseases. Therefore, it is important to work hard to make the air quality of South Korea normal.

by Kim Tae Heon


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