Coronavirus Leads to Increasing Jobless Rate Among Women대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-04-13 13:21:00

In recent days, the unemployment rate is a big issue because this situation is increasing due to the coronavirus. This leads to face tougher job market situations than men. As time goes by, the women's unemployment rate is getting worse. Finally, the women's unemployment rate has reached twice more than that of men.

▲ Unemployment rate due to the pandemic.

As unemployment issues are rising up, South Korea's unemployment rate hit the highest rate due to the pandemic. Because of that, women faced the arduous job market situations than men. According to statistics, women came to a 4 percent unemployment rate last year, but 3.9 percent recorded among men. This showed a jobless rate for women and surpassing the rate of men. In recent days, the women's unemployment rate has reached twice more than that of men due to the coronavirus. Because of the pandemic, decreasing the hours of duty should be carried out. So, the company should reduce the employees. This leads to an increasing women's employment rate due to the coronavirus, and this situation is getting worse as the pandemic has not finished.

▲ Unemployment crisis due to the coronavirus.

A woman who was suffering from unemployment said that if a company decreases the hours of duty, the company should reduce the number of staff and keep the management and managerial staff. So, if women find it hard to reach these positions, it is natural for women's unemployment to happen. Moreover, this leads to retrogression of all the progress that people have worked for increasing the improvements authority of women workers.

Prospects of unemployment rate will be increasing, This leads to tougher job market situations than that of men. As women's unemployment rate is a big issue, the government should prepare a counter plan and compensation system.

April 11, 2021

By Um Ki Yoon


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