Everything about a Doctor대한민국청소년영어뉴스/KOREAN YOUTH ENGLISH NEWS
기사 메일전송
  • 기사등록 2021-05-12 16:19:25

A doctor in the Korean university hospital does an appendectomy

These days, due to COVID-19, which is the most urgent problem that needs to be solved, the job of a doctor is the most important job in our society. The work of a doctor is treating people who are injured. Also, in rare instances, a doctor researches the medicine and vaccine of incurable illnesses.

The first step to becoming a doctor is studying hard and getting good grades in high school. Then, after students enter a medical university, they have to attend the university for six years (a preparatory course for two years and a regular course for four years). After graduating, if they pass the national examination for medical practitioners, they have to take an intern course for three or four years. Finally, after they pass the test of specialist, they will become a doctor. Also, a lot of people want to know the annual income of a doctor. According to research, the annual income of a doctor is five times more than the income of a regular job. The most moneymaking doctor among doctors is a plastic surgeon whose annual income is about 92,700 dollars.

After students graduate from a medical university, they can also have other jobs such as medical journalists, researchers who research about medicine or vaccine for incurable illnesses, and political scientists. The representative of political scientists is Cheol Soo Ahn, who is a doctor of medicine and a political scientist in South Korea. Also, the theory that AI can replace a doctor is well-known to a lot of people. In fact, it is inaccurate to say AI can replace the position of a doctor completely because of psychology and psychiatry which demand sympathy and emotion.

A doctor is an important job in the current situation, and graduates of medical university can also have other jobs. In addition, because AI cannot replace the position of a doctor, the prospect of a doctor is not bad.


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